Take GYROTONIC® Exercise Sessions in Freeport Maine!

Experience a gentle, holistic approach to getting fit that will help you quickly build strength & flexibility while also reducing pain and improving your overall energy & health!

Join us at our new, expanded location, at:
15 Main Street, #13, Freeport Maine
A personal trainer works with a client in her fitness studio in Freeport

Are you looking for a Personal Fitness Trainer?

It can be challenging to find a fitness trainer that's right for you... 


Certified GYROTONIC Exercise Instructor Kyung-sun Baek is a Personal Fitness trainer with a holistic, integrated approach to helping her clients become strong and flexible.

Hi, I'm Kyung-sun Baek, studio owner.

As an ex-professional dancer, I know how great it feels to have a healthy balance of strength & flexibility and to be able to move easily and joyfully!

And at the same time, as someone who's had a few significant injuries during my career. I know well what it's like to NOT be able to move easily and pain free.

That's why I've become passionate about helping people of all ages and abilities develop the kind of holistic, integrated fitness. That will empower them to move ease-fully and also joyfully through all their daily activities!

Yours in flow and ease,

Kyung-sun Baek

What is GYROTONIC® Exercise?

A Holistic, Energizing Approach to Exercise

Different from many common exercise methods, which utilize more linnear, back-and-forth motions. Gyrotonic exercise is a modern, integrated way of working out that utilizes circular and spiraling movement patterns to increase joint mobility and restore flow and vitality to the whole body—particularly in the spine.

Gyrotonic movements simultaneously strengthen AND stretch your body, increasing stability & range of motion, correcting posture, and stimulating a healthy flow of energy throughout the whole body. Instead of leaving you tired and drained, each session leaves you feeling fresh and vilitalized!

Gyrotonic Exercise sessions are done with the assistance of beautifully specialized exercise equipment, that’s highly adjustable to fit your unique physique and ability. The spiraling movement patterns of gyrotonic exercises decompress, stretch and strengthen your entire spine. And this leads to a cascade of toning & also invigorating effects on all the major systems of your body!

Gyrotonic Exercise was developed by Romanian-born Hungarian Juliu Horvath in the 1980's. Since then, this next-gen approach to holistic exercise has grown to encompass over 13,000 Trainers in 84 countries.

Professional athletes like Chicago Bears' Charles "Peanut" Tillman, Shaquille O'Neal, Wimbledon champion Andy Murray, PGA golfers and celebrities like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Aniston all practice GYROTONIC® exercise. 

You can read more about The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® Method here on their website.

How do the Gyrotonic Sessions Work?

A Gyrotonic workout session consists of gentle, progressively challenging exercise sequences that promote multi-directional and circular movement throughout your body, combined with coordinated breathing.

In your first few private Gyrotonic workout sessions, you learn the 5 basic spinal motions, which comprehensively engage your pelvic abdominal core. And through this process, you learn to send muscular energy from your core throughout your whole body.

As a result, over the course of several weeks of regular Gyrotonic workout sessions, your whole body naturally adapts to a more optimal state of flexibility, strength and vitality.

It can sound hard to believe, but with a just 1 to 2 sessions of Gyrotonic exercises per week, my clients report they feel significantly stronger, are more easeful in their movement, and have noticeably more energy.

For the first few weeks, it's ideal to come 2-3 times a week, while your body integrates and adapts to the movements. And then 1 or 2 times a week is good for ongoing "maintenance" and development. Each session lasts 55 minutes.

The Main Benefits of Gyrotonic Exercise


Gyrotonic Exercise Sessions help you:

Greatly Reduce Physical Pains & Improve Your Overall Health

Be Free of Lower Back Pain

Eliminate Shoulder Tightness & Pain

Significantly Improve your Overall Health & Resilience

Gyrotonic Exercises Sessions help you:

Develop Whole-body Strength & Increase Your Ease of Movement

Move from your Core and Build Strength Naturally

Increase your Ease of Movement & Coordination

Recover your Confidence & Joy in Physical Activity


Gyrotonic Exercises Sessions help you:

Reduce Stress & Increase Positive Energy

Lower your Physical Stress & Reduce General Anxiety

Increase your overall Energy Level

Gain a more Positive Mood and Inspired Outlook

What Kyung-sun's Fitness Clients Say:

"With Kyung-sun and Gyrotonics, I've gone from chronic pain to renewed confidence!"
Nancy Pierce
Retiree, Grandmother

Read about her experience

Kyung-sun has been a huge asset and benefit to my life. Her gentle guidance and intuitive insight, has guided me from a place of chronic pain that was discouraging, and sometimes seemed inevitable and hopeless, to a place where I actually enjoy the challenging but rewarding work of improving my physical condition.

I’m getting better, more aligned, and have learned set of life-long coping skills to work well with my own body as idiosyncrasies rather than flaws. I’ve finally come to a place where I largely understand my physical challenges, and how to effectively work at reversing those muscles restrictions that have been so painful for so long.

I've been around long enough to try many approaches to alleviate pain and work on my physical alignment goals. However, no one and nothing has come close to matching Kyung-sun's combination of gentleness and effectiveness with Gyrotonics. She's not just highly skilled and well-trained in her craft but also uniquely attuned to your individual musculoskeletal makeup.

For me, Kyung-sun is a beacon of hope in my life, enabling me to step into the next decade with a renewed sense of confidence.

"Kyung-sun brings me the depth and body-connection I was looking for in Gyrotonics"

Read about her experience

Having the right trainer can make all the difference. I've been practicing Gyrotonics for six years, and three of them with Kyung-sun. My first experiences were with a “Hollywood” trainer in Los Angeles, whose focus was on going through the movements and equipment but not on the deeper connections between anatomy, form, and flow. Only later, as I found a different studio that focused on the mind-body connection, was I actually able to start reaping the real benefits. 

Having gotten the Gyro bug and planning my move to Maine, I came looking for the right Gyro trainer and found exactly what I was looking for in Kyung-sun. She’s a highly qualified trainer with heart. She’s both results-focused and patiently encouraging. She has the experience to see what you need, and what you can handle at that moment in time. 

If you’re just starting with Gyro, it can seem complicated. And, as I’ve now inspired multiple family members to start working with her as well, I have seen how Kyung-sun teaches a complete beginner - with patience and incremental gains. I only wish I had started with her! Now, as a someone who has practiced for some time, my routine with Kyung-sun is about opening new frontiers and new challenges but also maintaining what got me into it in the first place - keeping it fun and fluid!

"I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have found Kyung-sun and Gyrotonics."
Kerry Michaels

Read about her experience

Having done Pilates for about 10 years, I prefer Gyrotonics, as it is kinder and gentler on my neck and back and is more enjoyable. I have noticed a great deal of difference in how I move and I feel my strength and flexibility are increasing. My alignment is getting better each week and I find that Gyrotonics is a great antidote for the effects of gravity and aging as it is making my spine and joints more flexible!

I love the grace and evolving nature of Gyrotonics—how no two classes are the same. This is an exercise that I want to keep up for as long as I can. I believe that the sessions are great for my both my body and my mind. They are fun, interesting and challenging in the best possible way.

The one-on-one classes are fantastic because I know I’m doing each exercise precisely and correctly. Kyung-sun is an amazing teacher and I totally trust that she will push me, but not too far or too fast, so I will avoid injury, yet maximize the time and effort I put in.

I am completely delighted with the sessions—I can’t think of a thing I'd improve. Kyung-sun is a gifted teacher who makes each session interesting, productive and fun. I look forward to each one and feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have found Kyung-sun and Gyrotonic.

About Kyung-sun Baek

Certified GYROTONIC® Instructor

Born and raised in South Korea, Kyung-sun’s successful career as a modern dancer in Korea and the Netherlands gave her a rich background for what she gradually discovered to be her deeper calling in life: helping women feel fit, free and empowered using the power of their whole body & mind.

Kyung-sun moved from the Netherlands to the United States thirteen years ago to start a family with her husband (who grew up in Maine). Their daughter is now 12, and goes to the Maine Coast Waldorf school in Freeport.

Certified in both GYROTONIC® Exercise and UZAZU Embodied Life Coaching, Kyung-sun works with individuals and groups to help them them quickly and ease-fully step into greater levels of energy, flow, strength and personal freedom. Kyung-sun's clients tend to praise her skill in knowing how to really listen to what their body is needing and help them.

Introducing a new GYROTONIC® Instructor:

About Stacey Warner

Certified GYROTONIC® Instructor

Stacey fell in love with Gyrotonic while recovering from the birth of her children. In addition to restoring her body, it reconnected her with the motions she loved as a dancer and became not only a passion, but a new career. After practicing regularly since 2012, Stacey studied with Master Trainer Kathy VanPatten to become a teacher in 2019, working out of her home studio in Marin County and at The Seed Center in San Francisco. Stacey is a GYROTONIC® Certified Trainer and is also certified in a GYROKINESIS® Specialized Course.

Stacey’s love of movement began during her training as a modern dancer while growing up in New York. After graduating from Colby College, she discovered her passion for education. Her Master’s degree from Stanford University in International Educational Policy launched an extensive career in international educational development.
Stacey brings her dance and education background to her Gyrotonic teaching. She is a thoughtful listener and facilitator, as well as a lifelong learner. She partners with clients to optimize their practice for their own needs, while helping them gain strength, improved flexibility, increased physical awareness, and ease within the body.

Reviews for Kyung-sun as a Personal Fitness Trainer


Doing Gyrotonic exercises sessions with Kyung-Sun has been strengthening, energizing, inspiring and fun!

Doing Gyrotonic exercises sessions with Kyung-Sun has been strengthening, energizing, inspiring and fun! Gyrotonic exercise adds a fluidity to my physical body that translates into my life. I immediately felt the satisfaction of moving my spine, joints, muscles in circular patterns and finding the energy connections. The machines are amazing, offering an endless variety of options for moving and stretching my body; each workout session is different than the previous one.

I appreciate the flexibility and strength I have gained. The quality of Kyung-Sun's instruction is superb, and the atmosphere in the studio is warm and peaceful. I’m a very satisfied client.

Maurine Joy , Owner, Midcoast Pilates Studio

I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have found Kyung-sun and Gyrotonic. 

I have noticed a great deal of difference in how I move and I feel my strength and flexibility are increasing. My alignment is getting better each week and I find that Gyrotonics is a great antidote for the effects of gravity and aging as it is making my spine and joints more flexible!

I love the grace and evolving nature of Gyrotonics—how no two classes are the same. This is an exercise that I want to keep up for as long as I can. I believe that the sessions are great for my both my body and my mind. They are fun, interesting and challenging in the best possible way.

The one-on-one classes are fantastic because I know I’m doing each exercise precisely and correctly. Kyung-sun is an amazing teacher and I totally trust that she will push me, but not too far or too fast, so I will avoid injury, yet maximize the time and effort I put in.

I am completely delighted with the sessions—I can’t think of a thing I'd improve. Kyung-sun is a gifted teacher who makes each session interesting, productive and fun. I look forward to each one and feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have found Kyung-sun and Gyrotonic.

Kerry Michaels , Photographer

I am so excited to continue working with her

Kyung-sun Baek is incredibly knowledgable and has the rare ability of completely understanding the human body and the way that you move individually. She finds your greatest weaknesses and helps you work through them as well as helping you understand how to fix them yourself in the future. I am so excited to continue working with her and hope that it will bring greater movement to my everyday activities as well as my movement in ballet.

Isabelle Browne , Professional Ballet Dancer

I have more flexibility, less pain, and improved my posture.

I have more flexibility, less pain, and improved my posture.

I first met Kyung-sun at an informational Gyrotonics session at a local hair salon and day spa. After the session, I described my issues to her - recurring pain from a spinal injury that was limiting my ability to move, sit or stand comfortably - and she told me she thought she could help me.

In April 2019, I began seeing Kyung-sun for a group chair exercise series focusing on arching and curling movements. Those sessions led to twice weekly private Gyrotonics sessions. Since starting, I've noticed greater flexibility and less pain in my daily activities, especially when using my laptop and during yoga. I'm definitely more aware of my posture now, even when I'm busy with my gardening projects.

The Gyrotonics exercises are customized to straighten my spine, gain flexibility, and improve my posture. Under Kyung-sun's guidance and with the added benefit of the massage therapist focusing on the areas we work on, I've made significant progress. I also value understanding a bit of the science and anatomy behind the exercises. I'm excited to continue working with her.

Donna Sannicandro

I highly recommend this gifted teacher and wonderfully encouraging guide.

Kyung-Sun is an extraordinary and gifted teacher. In my nearly four years of practice with her, my flexibility - not to mention my joy in movement - have opened a whole new world for me. She is insightful, always positive, fully present and attuned.

Astoundingly, even during our sessions via Zoom - necessitated by the pandemic - she could spot a stiff shoulder or hamstring, then suggesting a certain subtle tweak in my position. "How can you tell!? I'd exclaim.

Kyung-Sun gently offers keen insights that have helped to increase my flexibility and joy in movement, whether in the garden or tumbling with my grandchildren.

I highly recommend this gifted teacher: she's a highly skilled body worker and a wonderful encouraging guide.

Judy Brown

Everyone can benefit from Kyung Sun's expertise

Kyung Sun is an incredible gyrotonics teacher! I am a professional ballet dancer who came to her for help dealing with back and shoulder injuries. As a former professional dancer herself, she has a deeply nuanced sense of how the body moves. She has helped me regain strength and mobility and within four sessions I was pain-free in my daily activities outside of dance!

In addition to building strength and mobility she also trains correct muscle firing patterns, develops both slow twitch and quick twitch muscle response (by changing the rhythm of the same exercise after several repetitions), and integrates the breath with hands-on feedback. Gyrotonics creates pelvic and spinal stability in a much subtler, more comprehensive way than anything you can do at the gym. The eccentric (as opposed to concentric) approach of many of the excises develops long, lean muscle with a wide range of motion.

Everyone can benefit from Kyung Sun's expertise, from those struggling with daily tasks to lifelong athletes!

Eliana Trenam , Professional Ballet Dancer

Kyung-sun brings me the depth and body-connection I was looking for in Gyrotonics

Having the right trainer can make all the difference. I've been practicing Gyrotonics for six years, and three of them with Kyung-sun. My first experiences were with a “Hollywood” trainer in Los Angeles, whose focus was on going through the movements and equipment but not on the deeper connections between anatomy, form, and flow. Only later, as I found a different studio that focused on the mind-body connection, was I actually able to start reaping the real benefits.

Having gotten the Gyro bug and planning my move to Maine, I came looking for the right Gyro trainer and found exactly what I was looking for in Kyung-sun. She’s a highly qualified trainer with heart. She’s both results-focused and patiently encouraging. She has the experience to see what you need, and what you can handle at that moment in time.

If you’re just starting with Gyro, it can seem complicated. And, as I’ve now inspired multiple family members to start working with her as well, I have seen how Kyung-sun teaches a complete beginner - with patience and incremental gains. I only wish I had started with her! Now, as a someone who has practiced for some time, my routine with Kyung-sun is about opening new frontiers and new challenges but also maintaining what got me into it in the first place - keeping it fun and fluid!

Lili , Designer

Kyung-sun has made me feel more flexible and strong

I am very pleased with the attention to my fitness goals and progress that Kyung-sun has shown throughout the past 8 months. She quietly and appropriately advances the challenge of my Gyrotonic exercises—I can feel the continual increase in difficulty, though no session seems much more difficult than the previous one! Her personal style is so relaxed and supportive that it is easy—and a pleasure—to follow her instructions and example exercises.
I have noticed that I am much more mindful about my posture and that my Gyrotonic work with Kyung-sun has made me feel more flexible and strong at the gym and in Pilates. My everyday posture is much better too! I very much appreciate Kyung-sun and her approach to Gyrotonics, and look forward to every session!

Richard Stark , Professor

With Kyung-sun and Gyrotonics, I've gone from Chronic Pain to Renewed Confidence!

Kyung-sun has been a huge asset and benefit to my life. Her gentle guidance and intuitive insight, has guided me from a place of chronic pain that was discouraging, and sometimes seemed inevitable and hopeless, to a place where I actually enjoy the challenging but rewarding work of improving my physical condition.

I’m getting better, more aligned, and have learned set of life-long coping skills to work well with my own body as idiosyncrasies rather than flaws. I’ve finally come to a place where I largely understand my physical challenges, and how to effectively work at reversing those muscles restrictions that have been so painful for so long.

I've been around long enough to try many approaches to alleviate pain and work on my physical alignment goals. However, no one and nothing has come close to matching Kyung-sun's combination of gentleness and effectiveness with Gyrotonics. She's not just highly skilled and well-trained in her craft but also uniquely attuned to your individual musculoskeletal makeup.

For me, Kyung-sun is a beacon of hope in my life, enabling me to step into the next decade with a renewed sense of confidence.

Nancy Pierce

Every session is a joy.

I’ve been working with Kyung-sun for six months, and look forward to every time. She carefully watches my movements, correcting them with tact and good humor. Every session is a joy.

Jean Yarbrough , Professor

Working with her is also making me taller!

Kyung-sun's detailed approach finds my hidden and unused muscles and put them to work! The result is that my movement is much more integrated, flexible and pain-free. Working with her is also making me taller! She is unfailingly attentive, clear in her explanations and changes the exercises as I progress. I am learning more and more about how my body works and, through her wise guidance, am fixing ingrained but unproductive ways of moving. In addition, I am much stronger.

I came to Kyung-sun and to Gyrotonic exercise out of shape and with a stiff back, weak hamstrings and an impending week long bike trip. Kyung-sun evaluated the order of what to work on in order to meet my goals. Her carefully crafted sessions have a mix of movement and strength training. I was able not only to keep up on the bike trip but experienced no soreness. - My times with her are truly a joy!

Kate Butler , Teacher

I plan to continue with her forever!

I will have been working with Kyung-sun for five years in January 2024 and I plan to continue with her forever! She is an incredible practitioner and has performed miracles with my posture and flexibility. She has an amazing sense of what may be needed, week to week. I am 67 and she prepares me for the ski season! I can’t even imagine where I would be without her!

Rebecca Andreozzi , Teacher & Gardener

See more Reviews on Kyung-sun's Facebook Page!

Pricing for GYROTONIC Expansion System Private Sessions

All Sessions are 55 Minutes

And are Payable in person by cash or check

Single Session

  • For returning clients who just want to work on a specific issue. 
  • Also great for when you're just in town for a short period and want do do a few sessions!

The regular price for one gyrotonic expansion system session, as a returning client


Five-Session Pack

  • Experience the unique benefits of the GYROTONIC Expansion System Method!
  • Get to know how it is to work with Kyung-sun as a trainer
  • See & feel the difference that just three sessions can already make in how you feel!


Ten-Session Pack

  • 10 Sessions are recommended, to give your body time to adapt & grow into being stronger and more fluid.
  • 2x a week is recommended in the beginning, if possible. Then either 1 or 2 times a week ongoing after that.


Schedule a GYROTONIC EXERCISE Private Session!

Send Kyung-sun a message below, and she'll be in touch shortly.

"*" indicates required fields

Or Call or Text Kyung-sun directly at:


Lisa Newcomb - Owner, Belfast Dance Studio

Kyung-sun has keen insight and an intuitive understanding in her work with people. I felt she was able to know exactly. What my body needed and also how to approach me with clear direction and a gentle manner.

After our session on the mat, and working with the Gyrotonic machine, I felt ease in my joints as well as a fuller range of motion. My body felt spacious, relaxed, stronger and alive! Kyung-sun’s experience and knowledge gave me great confidence in her ability to help me.


Group Classes at Freeport Mind-Body Fitness!

Moving Through The Spine

A gentle flow-based Gyrotonic® Exercise class that tones, stretches and awakens your spine & limbs! Led by Certified GYROTONIC® instructor Kyung-sun Baek.

Kyung-sun Bake leads a gentle Gyrotonic-based Group Exercise class

This group class is performed sitting on wooden stools (provided) and consists of a series of spine-energizing moments that produce invigorating effects on all the major systems of your body!

  • Gain greater mobility in your joints & increase whole-body coordination.
  • Increase your core strength & power so you can move more ease-fully. 
  • Reduce physical and emotional stress throughout your body
  • Organically raise your overall energy level & sense of vitality

WHEN: We will start again May 15th, at 5:15pm.

Sign up for all 8 Weeks: $200. (No session July 3)
Single classes $30 by appointment (No drop-ins)

WHERE: Freeport Mind-Body Fitness, 15 Main Street, #13, in Freeport ME.

Free Parking is available to the left of the building

Limited Space available! 

Reserve now by calling or texting: 207-841-5770 

Or email: kyungsun@freeportmindbodyfitness.com

Pay by Cash, Check, Zelle, or Venmo.

Slow Vinyasa Flow Yoga

A Series of 5 Weekly Yoga Classes with Sue Henshall

From Sue: “I teach a strong slow vinyasa flow based on healthy functional alignment connecting movement with intentional breath. I believe that yoga is a way to create and maintain range of motion and strength, and a way to bring a sense of clarity in the mind and ease in the body to actively and dynamically move through our daily lives.”

Thursdays, Starting May 2nd, 4:00 - 5:00pm.

Sign up for all 5 Weeks: $100.
Single classes: $25

WHERE: Freeport Mind-Body Fitness, 15 Main Street, #13, in Freeport ME.

Free Parking is available to the left of the building

Limited Space available! 

Reserve now by calling or texting Sue at 973-610-3771

Or email: sghenshall@gmail.com

You can Pay Sue at the door- by Cash, Check or Zelle

Directions to Freeport Mind-Body Fitness

(It's the door just to the right of the Quilt shop.)

3.4/5 (5 Reviews)